HOA/COA Foreclosure Disputes

Florida HOA/COA Foreclosure Representation

At Rak Law Firm, we are passionate about protecting Florida homeowners and preserving their rights. Whether you’re facing disputes with a condo or homeowners association (HOA) or defending against bank foreclosure, we are here to provide the strategic legal representation you need.

As a homeowner, you deserve to feel secure in your home and confident in your legal rights. Our firm is dedicated to standing by your side, helping you navigate the complexities of property law, and fiercely advocating for your interests.

Condominium/Homeowners Association Defense

  • Disputes over unlawful fines or assessments
  • Improper liens filed by associations
  • Disputes over access to financial records and budgets
  • Retaliation or harassment by condo board members
  • Improper foreclosure initiated by HOAs
  • Violations of HOA governing documents (e.g., CC&Rs)
  • Unfair enforcement of community standards

Bank Foreclosure Defense

  • Lack of standing to foreclose (failure to prove ownership of the loan)
  • Procedural errors in foreclosure filings
  • Loan modification negotiation and disputes
  • Forbearance agreement enforcement
  • Defending against deficiency judgments after foreclosure
  • Short sale negotiation or deed-in-lieu agreements

Contact us today to schedule a case evaluation and get started.